Canoe trip
26-05-2024 09:00 til 26-05-2024 17:00
The time has finally arrived, the canoe trip is now here! Join us on Sunday the 26th at 9:00 at the KFUM Buddinge cabin (Bagsværdmøllevej 6, 2800 Kgs Lyngby) and let's have some fun across the lakes of Bagsværd, Lyngby and Furesø in a hopefully sunny weather.
We will have some light snacks, but please bring your own drinks and food. We will stop at a cafe doing our trip, where you can also launch if you did not bring it. Also remember sunscreen and a hat for UV protection
Please, keep in mind the number of boats and canoes we can use is limited so we would like to note that punctuality is key. If you are interested on joining us in this adventure, please join on this site
We are looking forward to seeing you all!!
Martin and Armando
tlf +4541290629 or +4552723325
Antal pladser: 25Ledige pladser: 9